Casting Crowns will embark on a 39 city tour beginning on September 22nd in Texas. Their label mate Matt Maher and special guest newcomer Hannah Kerr will join them on this tour. Casting Crowns will release a new album titled “The Very Next Thing” on September 16th, a few days before the tour begins. Casting Crowns leader Mark Hall makes this statement about the album and tour, “We are all in different stages of ‘next.’ There’s a next step from where you are right now. We all feel like there’s a stage that we have to reach to move on to what is next – but God has you right here right now for your ‘next,’ and all of these songs touch on that idea.” The Premier Productions presales begins this Wednesday, August. 10 and the tickets go on sale to the general public this Friday, August 12. For all the details, go to the tour page: click HERE!