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Band Together – Apparel With Purpose

By September 24, 2020No Comments

For the past 25 years, Premier Productions has had the honor and privilege of bringing live events that promote Faith, Family and Worship to communities all over the world! For now, live events have been put on hold. Yet, we have hope and expectation for a day coming very soon when we can experience live music together once more! Out of a desire to spread that hope in these challenging times, we’re excited to share Band Together, an apparel line whose purpose is to come together as a community and as the local church to continue to spread the gospel! Let’s Band Together as the body of Christ and spread this hope!

While our desire is to help support various communities dealing with difficult situations, we wanted to launch Band Together with a specific focus on the Christian music industry that we love and are a part of.  As a result, we’re excited to share that a portion of the proceeds from these initial Band Together offerings will benefit the Gospel Music Association Foundation’s Disaster Assistance Fund. We’re grateful for your support and look forward to being with you at a live show in the near future!

CLICK HERE to visit the Band Together website!

About the GMA Foundation’s Disaster Relief Fund: The GMA Foundation’s Disaster Assistance Fund provides help for those in the Christian/Gospel music community, onstage and behind the scenes. The purpose of the fund is to offer relief to those whose health and basic necessities have been dramatically affected by COVID-19.

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