A Go Fund Me page has been set up for Jeremy Willet and his family, who lost their home and all their possession in a fire this week. Jeremy is serving as the speaker for the Big Church Night Out Tour with Newsboys and friends, but he was on a break from the tour when the fire occurred. No one was at home when the fire began and no one was injured.
“The farm has been in our family for many generations,” he said. “We’ve endured many hard times — including tornadoes and the loss of family members, things like that. We will continue to do what we always do, which is to stay close as a family, trust God through it and become stronger on the other side.”
According to the Go Fund Me page: At approximately 1:23pm on Monday, October 30, 2017 a 911 call was placed for a house fire in Westminster, MD. A few minutes earlier the home of Jeremy, Kathleen Willet and their two children had caught fire and later completey burned to the ground. Over 10 different fire departments with approximately 30 pieces of equipment responded to the fire but were unable to save the home or any of its contents.
Thankfully no one was home at the start of the fire and all members of the family, along with their farm animals, are safe. About an hour after the fire began, Jeremy and Kathleen pulled in the driveway to watch the firefighters try to save the remaining buildings and extinguish the fire. Thanks to the hard-working firefighters only their home and summer house were destroyed by the flames.
Jeremy and Kathleen are fourth-generation owners of the farm which has been in the Willet family for over 100 years. From Jeremy: “We are so thankful for the huge amount of love, support and prayers from the community and as a family want to thank everyone who has offered to help already. We are also grateful to all of the brave men and women who responded to the call and helped put out the fire. We were blown away as volunteers literally drove through the fields from all directions to help.”
This website will serve as a landing page for all donations which will be given directly to Jeremey and Kathleen as they begin to rebuild their lives for their family of four. At this time, we’re estimating around $100,000 in damages that will not be covered by insurance. The only possessions they have are the clothes on their backs and their vehicle. Unfortunately, there are many sentimental items that will never be able to be replaced, but helping them start over to create new memories moving forward is a great place to start.
Anyone who knows Jeremy and Kathleen personally know that they have dedicated their lives to helping others, and we hope that we’re able to extend the same love and support to them during this difficult time.
Thank you,
-The Willet Extended Family
Read more here: http://www.carrollcountytimes.com/news/local/cc-baumgardner-road-house-f…