– credit https://leadercheckin.com/
Empowering us all to lead well
We are all called to lead in some capacity during this pandemic. We all need practical, biblical advice to help. We’re putting on Leader Check-In because we believe now is the time for the Church to meet the needs of a hurting world. View the schedule and join us when you’re able, and register so you can receive sessions after the event!
This is a challenging and unparalleled moment in history, and we are approaching what could be the most significant Easter weekend in our lifetime. Never has the message of Good Friday and Easter Sunday been more needed—that God not only suffers with and for us, but He conquered sin and death! In recent weeks, as fear and anxiety have increased, studies are indicating drastic spikes in Internet searches for spiritual direction.
And yet followers of Jesus are not immune to the pain of this present moment.
The goal of Leader Check-In is to come alongside you and those you lead with biblical, practical help for this crisis moment. Now is the time, more than ever, to be the Church that freely gives away our insights, resources, and practical guidance to hungry leaders navigating uncharted waters, seeking credible and trusted direction.
Join together with business, ministry, and nonprofit leaders from across the world for live discussions on highly practical topics and insights surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic.
Leader Check-In will feature:
Times of prayer, worship, and biblical encouragement from men and women of God.
An update on COVID-19 from United States Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams.
Tips about the CARES Act from United States Senator Tim Scott.
Advice for leaders feeling under pressure from Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend.
Leader Check-In is a joint initiative of Pulse and Year of the Bible, and is happening in partnership with thousands of churches and organizations worldwide. Every speaker is volunteering their time because collectively we believe that now is the time for the Church to meet the needs of a hurting world.