Priceless The Movie, featuring for KING & COUNTRY’s Joel Smallbone, will mark its 1- year anniversary this week. To celebrate the band’s management company has partnered with Christian Cinema to show a Facebook Live of the complete movie this Thursday night at 8pm EST.
Check out Priceless the Movie HERE:
“We feel Priceless has been one of the greatest connecting points with for KING & COUNTRY followers,” said Josh Smallbone, general manager of Smallbone Management, the band’s management team.
If you would like to see for KING & COUNTRY live in concert, the band is touring this December nationwide with Casting Crowns and Rebecca St. James, the Smallbones’ older sister, on A Glorious Christmas. The tour includes a date in Greensboro at the Greensboro Coliseum on Dec. 14. For all the tour details go to