The virus that changed everything. That may be how COVID19 will be remembered. It seems that nearly everything shut-down, and every area of our lives has been disrupted. Businesses, concerts, church services, schools, sporting events, and even countries were closed. In the aftermath of this virus, we are seeing where it hit the hardest. As with every disaster, the least able to afford it were hit the hardest.
Christian organizations such as Compassion, World Vision and Food for the Hungry witnessed donations decline drastically just as needs sharply rose. To bridge that gap, they have refocused their fund-raising efforts in the short-term to help these immediate needs, as opposed to the long-range goals of child sponsorship and community development. They will host a COVID19 Benefit TV Special in July to help raise money for each organizations’ COVID relief efforts.
In the meantime, Compassion has begun the We Rise As One campaign in hopes of raising $1 million to help people at home and abroad with emergency food and medical supply needs. World Vision has initiated a Coronavirus Emergeny Response campaign. Food For the Hungry has seen the same devastation for the people they serve, and are actively requesting donations for COVID19 relief, as well.
Devastating aftershocks of the COVID-19 crisis are putting the lives and futures of tens of millions of children at risk—in many cases hitting children and families in poverty harder than the disease itself, according to World Vision’s website. Already vulnerable children are now at even greater risk of hunger, malnutrition, violence, and neglect. Many face the loss of education and family income. And with overwhelmed health systems, they are more vulnerable to other preventable diseases.
Food for the Hungry notes during this pandemic: “Unfortunately, this will mark the first time in over 20 years that the number of people living on less than $2 a day has increased, rather than decreased….We also know that women and children will be more adversely burdened by the post-coronavirus world than men. Domestic violence, child marriage, gender-based violence, and other injustices are expected (if not already confirmed) to rise as a terrible implication of social distancing and stringent stay-at-home orders seeking to minimize the spread of the disease. These challenges – plus the expectation that the burden to economically recuperate will fall upon the shoulders of children and women – create a dire scenario for those who are already considered among the most vulnerable.”
Compassion has seen similar situations. “For millions of people in low-income nations, the COVID-19 pandemic has the potential to undo over a decade of developmental and humanitarian efforts in regions of the world that – even in the best of times – have to contend with economic crises, inequality gaps between the few rich and majority poor, child exploitation and abuse, health challenges and compromised healthcare systems, and food insecurity, just to name a few,” said Sidney Muisyo, Senior Vice President of Global Program, Compassion International. “If there was a perfect storm in the worst possible way, this is surely it. At a time when the high-income nations of the world are facing significant challenges themselves, I cannot overemphasise the urgent need to support the countries we work in – first to weather this crisis and then to rebuild resiliency. As with most crises, I fear that vulnerable children are yet again going to pay the highest price.”
Help protect the most vulnerable. Give today! Check out this inspiring video by Compassion for the We Rise As One campaign: